"helping you to win the day"
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sharpcampaigns services

The services offered by Sharp Campaigns include:
  • strategy development: Sharp Campaigns will help you to develop the simplest approach to achieve your aims; we won't waste your time or money formulating future detail which may be made unnecessary by early success.
  • campaign management: hands on or hands off, we will tailor our involvement to the level which best suits your needs and your budget; you are the expert in your field.
  • copy writing: whether for press releases, letters, emails, texts, reports, or other campaign materials, Sharp Campaigns will help you to find the style and the language to get your points across.
  • designing campaign materials: Sharp Campaigns will help you to create the best materials to make your case.
  • providing effective low cost interventions: use the expertise of Sharp Campaigns to incisively target your resources at the key decision makers and opinion leaders and/or to reach your mass audience; our aim is to achieve results as cost effectively as possible, not to ask you for a budget and spend it.

it is of a different order to anything we
 could have done. Superb logic 

whoever decided on the wording for the 'announcement'  did a very good job.  The wording was calming and positive and answered  prime concerns just at the moment

contact details

T: On request
F: 07092 233529


  • selling difficult messages
  • simplifying complex messages
  • winning recompense for poor service
  • successful letter writing
  • incisive copy writing
  • persuasive speech writing
  • winning support
  • managing expectations

Sharp Campaigns